Little known garage door facts

Many people don’t understand that their garage door is in fact, the heaviest moving object on their entire property – unless they own a gigantic monster truck. Here’s some little known facts about garage doors, as prepared by the experts at Orange County Garage Doors.

Facts About Garage Doors

  • Garage doors, rather than the front door, are the main point of entry for over seventy percent of homeowners.
  • Garage doors cover usually up to 6 times more space than the front door.
  • Over seventy percent of homeowners use garage door openers to enter their home every day.
  • Garage doors improve home values by one to four percent. An upscale garage door can massively raise the estimated value of your real estate, creating massive seller’s benefits.
  • Over ninety percent of garage door manufacturers online offer a range of different garage door designers to their customers.
  • High spring tension can make the installation or repair of a garage door quite dangerous indeed.
  • The average size of garages is increasing. Almost twenty-five percent of single family houses in 2014 have an over 3 car garage, as compared the the only eleven percent of homes that had this in 1992.
  • Over seventy percent of homeowners who recently totally replaced their garage door believe that in highly increased their home’s value.
  • Garage doors usually take up over thirty percent of the front facade of the home.
  • According to studies by FEMA, if you lose your garage door there’s a high likelihood that your home will be lost too. In high winds, the destruction of a home usually is triggered by the destruction of the garage door – which are usually the vulnerable variety of double wide doors that lack reinforcement or insulation.